Des Wraps It Up:

Posted: Sun 19 Oct 2003

Silver Bullet is one of only a few Websites worldwide that receives Desiree Crossman`s newsy behind the MotoGP scene column (not always PC). She reports on #21 John (Hopper) Hopkin`s MotoGP exploits and her own as they travel the globe.

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Back in the points for both Suzuki\'s!

What a crazy day! Last night, some loser decided to go into our room while we were sleeping and steal my purse. We leave the back door unlocked to our room in case we forget the key, it happens sometimes. I woke up in the morning to have breakfast and the manager called me up to say the police had found my purse on the road so I had to go pick it up. Apparently the looser only took my wallet with credit cards and my new CAMERA!!!! But our passports, phone and jewelry were still in the purse. We thought we were safe here, but I guess not. Needless to say the bonehead can try to use my credit cards but they\'re ALL cancelled. I had some nice shots to put on the site but that isn\'t going to happen. LOSER!!!!

Apart from my pleasant wake up call, it was pissing down with rain this morning. For the first session, instead of doing the warm up, you would think it was a slip and slide contest with all the crashes. It was so wet, 1/3 of the riders went down, Colin, Sete, Kenny, Nori, Nobu, Marco, Max and Troy went down twice. Like I said, it was more like a slip and slide competition.

Towards mid day the sky decided to change it\'s mind. It eventually stopped raining and the clouds were slowly disappearing. It was windy and cold but the sun was out and the track was drying quickly. On the grid, we held up a sign for a local racer here in Oz named Reece Bancell who died a few weeks back. He wrote to us sometimes and was a young kid who was doing well, so we paid a tribute to him. Throughout the weekend, many also paid tribute to Barry Sheene.

For the race, John had a good start, notice he was extra careful? The race was really good, some good battles going on up in the front and in mid pack but of course they don\'t show it. John said he was battling it out with Gaz and Jeremy but stayed clear of those two battling it out cause\' he didn\'t want to get caught up. Tamada is a strong rider jumping from 18th to 10th. Kenny rode a lonely race most of the time for 9th place but it\'s good to see a Suzuki in the top ten, and John getting 12th. Hey, that\'s pretty good for us!!!

Up in front, what a good show. Nicky, Sete, Loris, Troy, Vale, and Marco were the main characters in this show. Troy ended up crashing and looked like a rag doll sliding across the grass. I think he got knocked out which is almost a good thing so he didn\'t feel any pain but it sucked to see him not up there for the whole race. I think he\'s ok from what heard. Marco was doing well too staying up there with the rest of them, but he ended up going and hurting either his shoulder or his wrist. De Gea crashed the first lap and flames starting coming out of the exhaust pipe. Carlos was keeping up with the leaders but ran off with a few laps to go. Nicky and Sete were completely going at it the whole time, but Nicky got the best of Sete and got his first podium. Double whammy for Repsol!!!! Valentino got a 10 second penalty for over taking on a yellow flag but made up 1.2 seconds each lap. He was hauling ass!!! Each time he came by, his gap with Loris was getting bigger. Obviously he knew about the penalty, and just stepped it up a notch, or two or three!!!!

It was a good race and it was good for us to be in the points again, both riders. Like I said, that is quite good for us so we\'re not complaining. But I think it\'s time to get alittle bit further up the roster, enough of the back.

Well that\'s it for the fly aways, ended on a good note. Now it\'s time for Valencia with a one week break. We\'re heading to Austria to recover on the jet lag, train, and eat some good Austrian food. It will be nice, alittle cold but nice. Then it\'s Valencia, the grand finale!!!

Talk to you later.