Desiree Updates:

Posted: Sun 05 Oct 2003

Silver Bullet is one of only a few Websites worldwide that receives Desiree Crossman`s newsy behind the MotoGP scene column (not always PC). She reports on #21 John (Hopper) Hopkin`s MotoGP exploits and her own as they travel the globe.

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2nd day of Pacific GP

What an exciting day! No crashes that I can recall, but alot of bikes having attitude.

First session went quite well for the team, made some improvements with the bike. Although they qualified 14th, 16th, and 19th, the boys seem to be happy.

Yesterday I didn\'t know but John ran off the track as well. I found out yesterday while we were eating dinner when he was speaking with Nicky and Andrew Pitt. Had I known, I would of put that in the update. Show\'s how much I pay attention huh? Well the camera didn\'t show and he never said anything so he was another to go off the track.

I definitely have to put this in my email. Yesterday I went for a blade around the track while they were doing a pit walk, and the press officer of Proton calls me over to their office. He says, \"Hey Des, get a look at this,\" so I look in the office and there\'s a blow up doll resembling one of their crew members, Pete, in spider underwear and a wig. Apparently Kenny Sr. thought it looked like Pete so he bought it and semi-dressed him up. I rushed in and grabbed the hunk, then took him outside and skated around with him. He did look exactly like Pete. Sorry Pete, had to put it in. Who says you can\'t have alittle fun? Anyway, I think people were trippin\' out on it but it was funny with his spider underwear, and a few chest hairs. I went into the garage with him while some head honchos were getting a tour. I hope it doesn\'t reflect on John, but they seemed to get a laugh at it. Unfortunately, I had to give him back to Proton cause\' he was getting too much publicity. Good on ya!!! Is he the team moscot?

Ok, back to the racing news. In the beginning of the second session, Colin\'s bike died on the front straight and had to get a push back to pit lane. I think he was only at turn one when it died and so he didn\'t have much of a distance to travel back. Then, as I was getting a bottle of water, apparently Shinya\'s bike had some problems and he was pushing his bike back to the pits. I didn\'t quite catch what happened with Loris\' bike but he looked a bit pissed off walking back to the pits. Luckily, it was all towards the beginning of the session so they had time to jump on their other bikes and head out.

A lot of the Honda riders were definitely pushing for the top position. Makoto and Nicky were riding really well, Nicky had pole with 12 minutes to go and then Tamada jumped up there. We were all watching the screen and then suddenly appeared red helmets. First Nicky then Tamada, then Rossi got up there and then came Max. It was going back and forth in the last few minutes. But on the very last lap and the checkered flag, Max took pole beating Dajiro\'s time last year by 1.3 seconds. Of course it was Honda 1-2-3-4 and Nicky 5th, with Loris taking 6th if I remember correctly. Marco was doing well too, he managed to sqeeuze up there on the Yamaha along with Carlos staying consistant on the top 5. He had pole for abit during the session but dropped down alittle while after.

I can\'t really tell you the exact results as I don\'t have the times sheet infront of me but it\'s irrelevant cause\' they\'ll be posted anyway. I write this pretty late cause\' I do it in the hotel room long after the day is over.

Right now as I write this, I look over the track and you can see the rain coming down. I think it\'s abit unexpected so I don\'t know if it\'s going to rain tommorrow, but that will be a pain in the ass for the teams cause\' they\'ll all be up in the air for that condition. Hopefully it won\'t. Tommorrow after the race we will be packing up before heading back to Tokyo airport. I doubt if I\'ll be able to write cause\' we\'ll all be extremely busy, but we\'ll see.
