
Posted: Sat 04 Oct 2003

Silver Bullet is one of only a few Websites worldwide that receives Desiree Crossman`s newsy behind the MotoGP scene column (not always PC). She reports on #21 John (Hopper) Hopkin`s MotoGP exploits and her own as they travel the globe.

You can send your support to John - HERE:

Day one in Japan

Konichiwa! That\'s Japanese for Good afternoon although I highly doubt that I spelled it right in English and definitely not in Japanese!

Anyway, today was rather good for the Suzuki boys. John qualified at 10th, Kenny I believe was 13th. Towards the end of the second session, with about a minute and a half to go, John qualified 3rd and then the whole garage, naturally, were holding their breath waiting for the time to drop. Of course it was the longest 1 minute that we\'ve encountered in a while. Within that minute, John went from 3rd to 10th. [I think it was less then a minute.] There were loads of red helmets and we\'re hoping to get in the top 10. John had 2 red helmets on his qualifier and then got 3rd. Oh well, 10th isn\'t so bad considering the last race.

Nothing too exciting happened today. Colin\'s bike went off track, Nicky\'s went off in the second session but no damage done. Valentino went off track too but again no damage done. Nori had a big crash towards the end of second session. He couldn\'t finish the last 10 minutes but he\'s ok. He\'s like rubber, he always seems to bounce back.

A few guys were doing really well today. Nicky was doing good, Tamada was on it definitely showing his home crowd his skills. Sete and all the Honda boys definitely like this track.................hhmmmmm can we say Honda? Yeah, it\'s a Honda track. But Nakano and Checa did good too. Checa was on pole for awhile but he eventually dropped down a bit. Sete ended up getting pole but there\'s always tommorrow. Don\'t count Valentino out that\'s for sure, but I think Tamada might push extra hard since this is his home turf.

That\'s all for now, until the racing starts again.
