Wow !

Posted: Thu 21 Aug 2003

Hey Guys, less than 24 hours ago I posted Back Now - But ?
In that 24 hours I have been surprised, humbled, overwhelmed etc. etc. by the response.

In the months prior to my going on holiday I had received vitually zero feedback and I honestly thought there was no one out there.
Thus it became easy for me to not resume were I left off and I was quite prepared to just fade away.

Who said motorcyclists are an insular, selfish lot. Not judging by the reponse through my mail box. Wow! And that is heartening to all of us here for it should not be overlooked that if it were not for John there would be no Silver Bullet. I may not get paid for what I do but it actually costs John to provide the website. I guess like you all, especially those who responded, we are motorcycle enthusiasts and we do it because that is a part of our being and if you are not an enthusiast you wouldn`t understand.

So it is back to the keyboard and I do appreciate your support. It has been a sobering experience indeed.

It will be great for all of us here to hear from you occasionally with feedback on what you like, what you don`t like and what can be improved. In fact there are a lot of pro-active comments contained within the mail we have received to date that we need to work through, so it has been a worthwhile exercise for all.
Thanks again and cheers,
Bill W.

PS: It has been a revelation also that Silver Bullet receives so many hits, especially by those we most want to target. Encouragement for us all that it is worthwhile persevering.