Des Reports:

Posted: Sun 22 Jun 2003

Silver Bullet is one of only a few Websites worldwide that receive Desiree Crossman`s newsy behind the MotoGP scene column (not always PC) reporting on #21 John (Hopper) Hopkin`s MotoGP exploits and her own as they travel the globe.

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Hello friends and family,
Sorry for the late email, we were in Andorra for a few days hanging out with Gaz and Gemma. Andorra is a small country between Spain and France in the Pyrenees. It\'s super small and it\'s TAX FREE!!! We hung out with them for two days and John did trials riding for the first time up in the mountains. On the Monday of the test, John said his back felt a bit better, so Tuesday he rode and then we drove to Andorra.

Anyway, in Andorra you can ride all sorts of bikes on th road, so John and Gaz rode all over Andorra, in the mountains, on the road, everwhere. I went to the gym and worked out, then went into the centre with Gemma. It\'s crazy cause\' we wake up and it\'s like 1100 am, and hardly anything is open, then we eat dinner at 10pm. Typical Spanish living, well Catalan living cause\' in Andorra they are Catalan and speak Catalan. It\'s a cross between Spanish and French, I\'m lost when it comes to that language. Andorra is supposed to have the BEST snowboarding in Europe, along with parks and skiing terrain. That\'s alot to live up to if that beats the Alps. The only problem is it takes 2 1/2 hours to get there from the airport.

On the last night, the hotel that we stayed at has a bowling alley so we bowled for a few hours. There was seven of us, John, me, Gaz, Gemma, John\'s manager Doug, and Gaz\'s parents. Apparently in the winter, the country is packed with tourists and snow folk. Right now half of the shops are shut down.

On Friday morning we drove down to the airport to drop Doug off in Barcelona and we started driving around. We aren\'t in any rush really cause\' we got a few days before the Assen race, (John and I are driving to Holland from Spain) so we decided to go to Lloret.

Lloret is a small town on the coast, north of Barcelona. They say it\'s not a place for couples to go to, but we went. We found a cheap hotel on the front and now we are here enjoying the weather before heading up. Lloret is very touristy, alot of bars and alot of clubs. It\'s almost like Rosarito, but better. I would consider it a hidden spot cause\' Wild on E hasn\'t done a show on it yet, I kind of hope they don\'t either. There\'s cheap flights to Girona(which is the closest city) so alot of Brits and Germans. Actaully there are ALOT of Scandinavians, you can tell by their language and looks. Menus are in 7-10 languages, it\'s crazy. I know I probably sound like a travel agent, but it\'s a cool place. Last night we found a heavy metal bar, so John and I went in and had a drink. They played all the good shit, AC/DC, Metallica, Selputera, Pantera, Megadeth, Ozzy, ect.... I was the only girl in there rocking out with John. We left early though cause\' we didn\'t want to stay up late or wake up feeling \"not so good!\" We\'re allowed to have a drink and some fun, so don\'t get some idea about us. :) John trains hard and rides hard, heavy metal bar is like a realise for him. As James Hetfield from Metallica would say, \"YYEEEAAAAHHHHH!\"

Today John and I rented a man powered boat with a slide and rode around in the water. I want one for the river or the lake back home, cause\' it\'s sweet. Just cycle the boat out and jump off the slide, wwwweeeeeee!!!! And of course, alot of chicks with no tops. John kept saying, \" Hang on, I want to chill for a bit.\" Uh huh, to check out the scene of ta-tas. Typical guy thing, can\'t blame them.

Now we\'re back in the hotel, John\'s relaxing before he goes running later this evening, tommorrow we\'re going running in the morning and then driving north. I want to drive thru France in one shot which is going to take about 9 hours, I\'m guessing. I haven\'t driven north of Paris yet so it\'s a first. We\'re driving now to half of the Euro races, cause\' we\'re sick of flying!!!! Put the new car to use.

Well got to go and check some emails. Next time you here from us, we\'ll be in Holland, Cloggyland!!!!
