CAS Honda Says:

Posted: Mon 09 Jun 2003

CAS Honda - Press Release:

CAS Honda Team Manager Neil Price said;
“I was very happy with both Yoshi and Josh’s performances here, Yoshi made a flying start but made some fundamental mistakes on the opening lap and being passed by four or five riders each time. He sat still for twenty minutes but then came much stronger towards the end of the race. A good result but one which could have been much better and he could have easily been several positions further up the championship standings.

Commenting on the Kiwi, Josh Coppins, Prince said;
“The target we set for Josh with his present injuries was top ten, he had a very good ride in Italy last week, his first GP of the season. If he hadn’t been taken out on the first lap I feel confident that he would have reached his goal. His speed coming through the field and the position he finished, 17th, after being in last place was admirable. Many riders would have pulled out at such a challenge, in the heat and on a circuit like this one.
Josh is carrying several injuries as well as a slight fever today, he has been out of action for so long that he is working himself into the ground trying desperately to get back to speed and into shape. He is absolutely drained but will never give in, so I am very pleased with his performance although on paper the result might not look that impressive.”