Spectro Series:

Posted: Fri 30 May 2003

We at DCMfotoNZ are pleased to involved with the Spectro Series: this year and have the web pages up and running for the Series.
They will be continually updated thoughout the series with reports, photos and information etc.

Check out the site on DCMfoto.net: and by simply clicking on any of the logo\\\\\\\'s will take you to their web pages, check them out as they are very interesting.

I will be riding a 2003 KDX200 myself in a few rounds thanks to the support of Kawasaki, Motorad Wellington and Darbi so please take it easy on an old bloke like me as you whip past.
Keep a look out in Kiwi Rider for the recent bike test I carried out of Hondas CRF230 and in coming issues for tests and mods to the KDX200.

If you have any comments or information to add please - Contact Us:

Dale Matthews
Kiwi Rider Magazine