Note from Whibs:

Posted: Sun 25 May 2003

Hi Bill.

I have been sending results back to Kiwi Rider, so keep an eye out there for what has been happening.

I am keen to keep you up to date with my latest info but, the only problem is regular access to a computer.

I have been traveling non stop since the Italian race and have just now arrived in Finland after driving 1600+ km and a 36 hour boat ride.

At France, Saturday was good, finishing 5th, Sunday I fiinished 8th.
I was happy with that result.

In Italy I also had some good times, but with the local riders entering in my class and having a lot of local knowlege of the track, I ended up finishing 13th and 12th in class. I think 8th in class for the series.

The extreme test was very extreme, with a lot of rocks and uphills.
My times were not as bad as I expected in this test.
In the other X tests my times were good, but as the test dried the riders at the back, the locals, got the best run.

I lost most time in the Enduro tests. I walked the test that I had struggled with on the Saturday again on Sunday night and my times were rewarded with an improvement in Sunday`s races.

We now are in Finland to practice in the sand for the next WEC.

Thanks & Ciao,

Note: This Kiwi guy is in a Continent with cultures quite different to those encountered in Marton and surrounded by people who would dearly love to see him fail, so send your support to WHIBS: