Des - Latest:

Posted: Sun 18 May 2003

Silver Bullet is one of only a few Websites worldwide that receive Desiree Crossman`s newsy, behind the MotoGP scene column (not always PC) reporting on John (Hopper) Hopkin`s MotoGP exploits and her own as they travel the globe.
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Well we are over with the premier of `FASTER`. Yesterday was so hectic getting everyone ready and everyone in one place, but we did it.

So we get ready for the launch, the boys were suppose to ride down La Croisette on their race bikes. Some didn\'t have their race bikes, so they rode regular street bikes. Mark, the director was losing him mind, everyone was trying to talk to him, he\'s giving directions, retrieving Ewan McGregor. I think after this, he can now relax a bit.

We showed up about 3pm at Port Canto where it was going to start. No one was around and we sat at this point for a half hour thinking maybe we were early, but in actuality all the organizers where on the other side of the port. Eventually, we found them and got ready. Mind you this port is a host to million and billion dollar yachts. Our mouths dropped seeing a few of those tug boats in the water. Someone had the never to even get heli\'d onto one. John\'s crew chief looks over and says, \"Look at that........bastards!!\" It was funny. But really, this yacht was so big, I would consider it a cruise liner, that it has a heli port on it. Must be nice.

The organizers said one of the boat owners allowed us to lounge on his boat while we waited to get going. So we chilled, and then comes along Ewan. We introduced ourselves and chatted with him a bit. Colin and Alicia met him last year in Laguna so they already knew him. He\'s gotta be one of the most humble stars around. We talked with him a bit before getting ready to head. I then asked him if I could get a picture with the camera of him and John. Mind you, my camera worked just fine right before he comes along. When I wanted the damn picture, my piece of s&^t camera broke. Right when I need it the most for the big day, IT BREAKS!!! I guess I get what I pay for cause\' we didn\'t get a high quality camera in the first place. Luckily someone was there to take one.

Alicia, Gracie, Stu and I then jumped into a crisp \"Mercedes\" and drove to the Majestic Hotel. There were people everywhere. It was so crowded in the streets. When we were pulling up to the hotel, there had to be 100 cameras ready to take pictures. Alicia and I were joking around acting like celebrities, although we\'re far from it. We got out and by that time, the boys were riding in with their bikes. Ewan infront, and the rest behind. Then it happened like a wave crashing, CAMERA\'S EVERYWHERE!! It was a mad house. I kept saying, \"Lou get pictures, get pictures!\"
(Lou Martin is a photographer for MotoGP, and Donna White\'s partner) Because of my camera breaking on the day I needed it the most, pictures from anyone was critical.

So the chaos went on for a bit and then the after party. We went it, drank a few beers and I guess \"mingled\". Gemma and I were wandering around waiting for guys to change and freshen up, and Ewan invited us to sit with him and his mom at a table. This guy, I have no idea who he is, was taking pictures of Ewan and wouldn\'t let Gemma take an empty chair to sit. So Ewan goes, \"Hey mate, don\'t take my picture if you won\'t let her have a chair!\" Suddenly, it was like a 180 turn and suddenly he was practically throwing the chair to her. We chatted a bit waiting for John and Garry, but we ended up leaving the table and ventured off. Nice guy.

Eventually, John and Garry came with a few more riders and we hung out abit before grabbing a nice cuisine in Cannes. Our crew-Kawasaki crew, Colin, Alicia, Gaz, Gemma, and us decided to get a nice meal. So we walked over to McDonalds!! The last time last we ate there was last year, but we wanted a quick meal. They even sold beer with the meal. A McBeer!!!! We sat outside eating our cuisine, checking out the scene, talking and drank our McBeers.( Don\'t worry everyone, I\'m not saying anything bad) Then we walked over to the pavilion and watched the movie. It was even better on the big screen.

After that, Colin and Alicia left and we headed back to our hotel and then went to a Mexican bar. I ended up going to bed around 1am cause\' my throat was sore for some reason. The area we were at was a happening spot, but I think everyone wanted to hang out and just chill.

Now, we are off to Jean-Michels for a few days. Garry and Gemma are taking us down. John is going to ride dirt bikes with him and then we all head to Le Mans for the race. The weather forecast calls for rain. John says he wouldn\'t mind that at all.

So I will catch up later. I hope everyone enjoys the movie when it comes public cause\' it\'s really good.
