Des Is In Cannes:

Posted: Sat 17 May 2003

Silver Bullet is very grateful to receive this material from Desiree Crossman, reporting on John (Hopper) Hopkin`s MotoGP exploits and her own newsy, behind the GP scene column that is not always PC.
Desiree will be providing Silver Bullet with her column on a regular basis.
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Bonjour from France!

Oh the memories of France. We lived here last year, and got out of here shortly after. They can be so rude!!!! The south however isn\'t so bad, it\'s abit more laid back then the rest of the country, it\'s still France though.

Anyway, so yes we are here in Cannes at this hotel in Juan les Pins (pronounced Jwan le Pa) for the premier of \"FASTER\". It\'s 10k from Cannes.
Alright, so let me give you the low down. This movie has been in the making for the past two years and it\'s now finished. John and I had the opportunity to see it when it was still a rough version back in January or February (can\'t remember exactly). It\'s a documentary of MotoGP and what goes on behind the scenes, what riders say about other riders, crashing, ect..... We went out to dinner last night with the executive producer and director. The exec, Ian, summed it up really well, so I will repeat it. It\'s about past riders(Kevin Schwantz, Eddie Lawson, Wayne Rainey, Barry Sheene), rivaling riders (Max and Vale) and upcoming riders-John. It\'s a bitchin\' movie and when it finally becomes available to the public, I hope you watch it! That\'s the best way I can describe it.

So, we were in Barcelona a few days ago for the test, nothing exciting. I\'ll tell you what though, the hotel we stay at in Catalunya is horrible. The first night we slept there, I kept hearing this snoring. I was thinking to myself, \"damn John, tone it down. Why are you snoring so loud?\" It took me about an hour to figure out that it wasn\'t John snoring, it was the bonehead next to us, in another room! The walls are so thin, you can hear EVERYTHING! And I sincerely mean everything.

The breakfast is horrible and it\'s painted lime green. The best thing going at this hotel is the fitness centre and even that\'s not nothing to shout about. I know it sounds like I\'m bitching, for the most part I am. If anyone has stayed there, they would agree. We aren\'t high maintainance people, but we enjoy our sleep and our breakfast. If that\'s not good, then it needs improvement.

Back to the test, it was boring. Suzuki had 5 riders, John, Kenny, Jean-Michel, Akiyoshi-san, and Ryo-san. I don\'t know their names so I call them by their last names. Anyway, I don\'t know if much got accomplished during the test, John said they are just going to stick to the same setup they\'ve had and work with it cause\' it seems as though new setups don\'t help any. So that\'s what I\'ve been told.

Alright well, I\'m going to walk down to the shops and try to be European for a day. Wish me luck! Tonight the boys are riding their bikes down the main strip in Cannes and then onto a premier of the movie. I will send pics soon, yet to see a star.

Bye, Desiree