Hopper Happenings #5

Posted: Thu 08 May 2003

Silver Bullet is very grateful to receive this material from Desiree on John (Hopper) Hopkin`s MotoGP exploits and her own newsy, behind the GP scene reports.
Desiree will be providing Silver Bullet with her column on a regular basis.
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Hello everyone-Around the World!!!

Well the days in Austria were great. John went snowboarding one day with his manager, Doug, and Carl (WCM mechanic) up in the Alps. I did nothing, and it was wonderful!!!

It rained a few days in Austria, but it wasn\'t pissing down. It jut scattered here and there, but these past few days were great. On Saturday night, we went into Mondsee, (which is what the Austrians call a lake-i.e Wolfgangsee, Mondsee, Mattsee) and had some kick ass pasta. It was so nice that we ate outside in front of the \"Sound of Music\" church. Although I\'ve never seen that movie, it\'s the big church in the movie where someone gets married. I don\'t know, I\'ve never seen it.

John always points out how people walk around looking like movie stars cause\' they\'re all dressed up and wear their posh glasses. I don\'t understand why they do, it\'s such a small town, who in the hell do they need to impress? Anyway, this Italian joint is great and it\'s one of our favourite places. In Mondsee they have a Mexican restaurant too, but it\'s not as good as the real deal. It just doesn\'t have that \"taco shop on the corner\" taste that we Californians get the luxury of having!:)

On Sunday I went to the Lake, Irrsee, and laid out cause\' it was so flippin warm! I haven\'t gotten a tan in along time, I was pale and thought I needed some colour. It was good, John\'s back is burned from playing Tennis with no shirt. Oooohhh sexy!!! :) Anyway, we mainly trained the whole time, John and Doug went on 30-40 mile bike rides everyday, and I did my blading. It\'s good, cause\' the roads are nicely paved and people are considerate of outdoor exercise, so you\'re not scared sh*tless thinking someone is going to run you off the road. Can\'t jinx us though, never know what could happen. But it\'s nice! Well, now we are here in Spain, the weather is crap. Good prediction I had huh? I hope it goes away soon. I left Salzburg in shorts and entered Jerez a little chilly. In Madrid, I got some funny looks cause I sported shorts, like I knew it was going to be freezing and windy. I dress like a Cali girl, shorts-flipflops-tanktop! It\'s very normal to look VERY NORMAL!!! While I was in line to get on the plane to Jerez, this Italian bloke was wearing pants tighter then my shorts, and a shirt tighter then mine! Hello, who looks like a weirdo? I\'m a woman and he was prettier then me. Sorry, not my taste. I thoroughly enjoy looking comfortable and being casual rather then holding in my breath the whole time looking like I\'m going clubbin\' 24-7. Strut it baby, strut it!!!!

Ok, so here we are. We move back into our motorhome tomorrow, whoohoo! I can\'t wait. This race is going to be another big one, or the first real big one of the season. In S.A they got 45,000 on Sunday. That\'s going to be dust after this weekend. John\'s mum is coming to this one too, it\'s going to be a holiday/mother\'s day/birthday trip for her!! And they have bad ass ham and cheese her too! You know, the big legs that hang, and you just slice off a piece of ham? Sounds gross, but it\'s a lot healthier to eat than your average meat at Stater Brothers. Yum!

I shall write later in the week, when it starts to get going. Maybe the bike will be better this time around, we shall see. People who know the situation, you know what I\'m talking about. Can\'t say too much, I\'ll get into trouble! :) Not good.

