Hopper Happenings #2:

Posted: Mon 28 Apr 2003

Silver Bullet is very grateful to receive this material from Desiree on John (Hopper) Hopkin`s MotoGP exploits and her own newsy, behind the scene reports.
Desiree will be providing Silver Bullet with her column on a regular basis.
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Hello Boys and Girls!!

So the Saturday sessions are over and it\'s time for the race. RACE TWO OF THE SEASON-Whoohoo!!!

This morning was usual, the boys went out and did their thing. A few of them went down but not much. About ten minutes to go, Tamada fell in the middle of the track and they red flagged it. Capirossi was on a hot lap when he ran off the track. He was on a roll too! Sete seems to be stepping it up now that he\'s on a Honda. He got pole today. Infact 1-2-3 of Q-2 were all Honda\'s. Those bloody Hondas!!

John was alright today, another typical day for us. He rides his *&^ off everytime he\'s on the bike, and I can see his mentality when he comes in the pits. He wants to win, and it\'s taking A LOT of determination. He will get it, no worries. Today, his time improved a lot, but so did everyone elses. Not in our favor, he qualified 16th again. It should be a good race tommorrow, I\'m sure he\'ll get a good start. He\'s good at the starts, it\'s just the first turn is where he gets shut out. Better toughen him up huh? :)

In Q-2, Haga went down, Loris went down and I think someone else. Nobody was injured though, it was an injury free session. Once again, Bayliss and Edwards are kicking ass on the Italian rockets. When the time was dwindling down and everyone was stepping it up, they were putting in the fastest times in certain sections of the track. Somebody\'s doing their homework for them huh? You know what\'s strange, well I wouldn\'t call it strange. But, those two crossed over from WSBK along with Haga, jumped on the Italian machines, kept it up in the top 10, if not the top 5 in the sessions, and on top of that-THEY ARE WAY COOL!!!! What\'s going on here, where\'s the pitch? Just kidding, but seriously, Troy and Colin are great guys and I\'m glad they came over. Besides, we needed more Aussies and Yanks over here. We get along with pretty much everyone, but we always seem to end up talking to them for ages, and it feels like we\'ve known them longer then we\'ve been in the damn paddock.

Anyway, there\'s my semi-short report. Nothing fancy, just the usual.