Hopper Happenings #1:

Posted: Mon 28 Apr 2003

Silver Bullet is very grateful to receive this material from Desiree on John (Hopper) Hopkin`s MotoGP exploits and her own newsy, behind the scene report.
Desiree will be providing Silver Bullet with her column on a regular basis. We have just received this batch of three from Desiree. Some are dated but still make good reading.
Check out

Hello, Hola, Ciao, Halo, G\'day, What\'s up, and any other way to say it.

Well today was a good day, once again the weather was lovely. Got a bit of tan I think.
The past few days have been pretty standard, we come to the track even when we don\'t have to, to bug the team and whoever is around. John likes to run around the track and so do I. BUT, this time I did something different. When I was home, I bought rollerblades so now I do that around the track. Rollerblading is fun and it specializes in the thigh and butt area so that\'s even better. I don\'t want a J-lo back side. As much as she\'s comfortable with her assests, I like to keep slim in the back side. Ladies.............you know what I\'m talking about. :) I was fully padded up too thinking I was going to eat tarmac, but I didn\'t! (yet)

Anyway, while I was rollerblading, the riders had a meeting with FIM officials and John said it went really well so that\'s good. On Saturday, they are going to gather again and I believe discuss Kato\'s incident. That\'s all I know at the moment.

During the morning practice, John took a digger in the last corner. He got right up and came back to the garage to hop on the spare. We blew him off, (sounds funny huh?) with the air compresor and he was out. I don\'t remember where his standing were, but in qualifying he got 17th. The competition is very close so far with the top 15 within a second. John was pushing hard in qualifying but the bike was giving away. Oh well, better luck tommorrow.

Capirossi was on the throttle but on his last lap, he run off the track so guess who got pole? Yup, you guessed it, a known fact! But Capirossi did good, so did Gibernau, and BAYLISS. This is his first time here and he\'s smokin\'! We\'ll see what he\'s got in store tommorrow. Colin is doing well too, all these newcomers showing their shit! Yeah buddy!!!

As I sit here writing this, I\'m in the media centre and it smells like rotten food, it\'s making me sick. Also, the centre isn\'t very big so I\'m cramped in the fax roon in a little corner, shows\' I got love for everyone cause\' I\'m withstanding these horrible conditions!!! :) Just joking!!!

Anyway, that\'s it for now. Hope everyone read the Press Release from John about Kato. Speaking of which, many of the riders are wearing stickers, patches, and black tape around their arm in memory of him. It\'s a nice sight to see all the riders standing by a fellow rider.

I will take some pictures this weekend of South African babes and some candid shots. Some will be on websites, others.............well you\'re just going to have to get friendly with your PC and log onto the website to see more you lazy bums!!!! Haha. Yesterday I went up to these girls and asked to take a picture of them, they looked at me like I was a wierdo. I told them it\'s going on the web and then they were all for it. Publicity, publicity, publicity!

I will report tommorrow after the second qualifying.
