Rusty Nuts M/C New website.

Posted: Sat 22 Mar 2003

The Rusty Nuts M/C of NZ have opened a new website, at a redirection from the link here on the Silver-bullet will take you to the new site. There are 300 odd pages of Rusty things to check out, from upcoming rides, to listings of all our badges issued, and profiles of club members and the riders who have become legends on our events.

The email address of remains in use.

The new site is nearly fully constructed although there is still some work to do. If you have attended any of our events you might well see yourself. Come on, surf to check the new site out.

For those interested in the Southern Cross Road Rally in April you can get a copy of the details and an entry form - by checking out Rusty Rides- Future on the new site index - At Present you will need to copy and print, we will get it e-transmitted shortly.

The Grand Challenge entry form is also available the same way. Entries are now open for those wanting early start times in this years 1000 mile 24 hour October event.