Foxton Cancelled:

Posted: Wed 05 Mar 2003

Foxton Round of N I Junior MX Champs:

Due to unforeseen weather conditions, the Gold Coast Motorcycle Club, in consultation with the Junior Motocross Commissioner, Guy Merewether, has been forced to - CANCELL: this weekend’s first round of the North Island Junior Motocross Championship.

The club was unable to source water to irrigate the track, even after digging down a further metre in their dam, which has dried up. It was considered, that the track un-irrigated would be too dusty and for safety reasons the event has been called off.

Efforts were made to move the event, but due to the fact that Motorcycling’s calendar is heavily subscribed, a suitable date was unable to be found.

The North Island Motocross Championship will now be run as one round, on the 29/30 of March at Taupo.