Niki Urwin:

Posted: Mon 24 Feb 2003

You will all remember Niki Urwin, who suffered traumatic MX injuries but has bounced back with an infectious enthusiasm for life that is a salutary lesson to all of us.
This is a note from Niki`s mum to let us know where Niki is presently at and also to thank those who in their own way have helped Niki.

Hullo all.
Kay, Niki\'s Mum here just with a short update.
Niki is laying low at the moment, unfortunately he is battling an infection in his spine as his body isn\'t happy with its newly placed titanium. Surgery is booked for next Tuesday but all options are being investigated at this point. No way does Niki want to go under the knife again!

His lazi-boy chair is a safe haven at present, after a hectic few months doing weekend activities! Now he would like to thank you all for the contributions to his rehab. On the monetary side of things, he placed it all towards his new wheels. He has purchased a new Holden Commodore ute and once the hand controls are installed in mid-March the word independence will take on a new meaning.

Keep in touch and we hope to over come this small battle in the war soon.
Now it\'s up to Team N.Z. to go to war and retain that Americas Cup.

Thanks and regards
Kay Urwin.