Yep, Ben`s Getting Back:

Posted: Sun 23 Feb 2003

Ben Townley`s mum, Vicky confirms that, yes, as the MX Large: release says, Ben has returned to Europe.

He flew out last Tuesday evening, stopping over in the US for just 24 hours so he could pack up his room, bicycle & riding gear enroute to Europe.

He has been doing some light training here in NZ for the last month - swimming (with a fibreglass cast), cycling and walking. It was an enormous effort for him initially as his haemoglobin was very low, due to his big bleed. Although he would get very very tired he continued on, eating well and doing one or more of his training disciplines, increasing the duration and intensity each day.

He competed in a mini triathlon last Monday, the evening before he flew out to the US he managed a 250 metre lake swim, a 10 km cycle and a 2.5 km run....a huge feat for a kid who was in an ICU bed for 8 days just 4 weeks earlier.

He is really eager to return to his trainer Yves who worked with him last year. They have a great understanding, he plans & prepares Ben\'s training schedule and also helps him analyse his performances the day after racing. The only down side to returning to Europe is the temperature at the moment, but things are not too great here any way.

An official update from Ian Miles on the current position of both his charges, Ben and Josh Coppins, is expected in around a week.