Teretonga - Round 3:

Posted: Tue 28 Jan 2003

National Points R 3 - Teretonga:
From - Daryl New @ NZMCnews:

Andrew Stroud, Suzuki 1000 had a clean sweep with three from three, Brian Bernard, Suzuki 1000 picked up two seconds and a third. Tony Rees R1 Yamaha had a high side and had two fourths, whilst the current No.2, Dean Fulton, Suzuki 1000 secured a fourth, fifth and a second.
Points, Stroud 169,Bernard 144.5,Fulton 102

600 Sports Production
Brendon Gare continued his winning way with two wins and a second, Craig Sherriffs an second a win and a twelfth. Jared Love was consistent with two thirds and a fifth.The current No 1, Shaun Harris high sided in the first race and then got a fourth and a fifth.All on Suzukis.
Points, Gare 175,Sherriffs 165,Love 121.

125 GP
And Steve Ward is still the man to beat with two firsts and a second, keeping him honest is Cam Horganon two seconds and a win. Steve Groom is sittng in third on the points table with a fifth, third and a fourth. All on Honda RS 125\'s Points Ward 181,Horgan 166 Groome 96

Troy O\'Donoghue Honda RS 250, is getting a command on this class with three wins,Ricky Porter,Yamaha TZ 250, got a third and two seconds,local rider John Beck, Yamaha TZ 250, holds third in the title with a second and two thirds.
Points O\'Donoghue 183, Porter 154,Beck 105.

Terry Fitzgerald, SV 650,continues his dominance with three wins. Bruce Hansen, SV 650 holds second with a second a DNF and a twelfth, Steve Bridge got a fifth and two thirds. The current Champion,Andy Bolwell,Kawasaki 400, could only manage two fourths and a second to be in fourth overall.
Points Fitzgerald 176,Hansen 144,Bridge 116.

With no North Islanders going south this year, the locals had a feild day Phil Garrett three wins, John Blaymire/Brett Sproull still in second even not racing at Teretonga, Bill Newton is in third with three seconds on the day.
We have no points update for the chairs.