Vale - Len Perry:

Posted: Tue 14 Jan 2003

As I have been out of the country I have only just been made aware that Len Perry passed away on December 23, aged 91.

Len had been racing since age 16, [it was different in those days as they now start at age 4] and was still racing until just recently, and competitively too. As he knew no other way.

I was very fortunate to be at the same table as Len and his wife at a dinner function. It was more than 20 years ago but I have enduring memories of that occasion. It was both interesting and humourous as Len and a couple of other motorcycling characters who were at the same table bounced off each other. Yeah it was interesting as he had some tales to tell and he told them and yeah it was hilarious, as I recall that I was laughing till the tears ran.

Len was also a very successful motorcycle dealer who did not take kindly to being `shoved` by distributors, as is their wont.

The Guy had spirit and was a prime example of what is needed to make it in life and it`s pursuits.