Winter Riding:

Posted: Sun 01 Dec 2002

We intend going for a 3 week ride this coming July.

Yeah, that`s right, it`s smack in the middle of winter! But no, we are not immune to the cold or foolhardy masochists. We shall be availing ourselves of the service provided by an ex-pat Kiwi, Dave Milligan, now living in Oz and trading as `Get Routed Tours` [formerly World GP & Superbike Tours].

So we shall be cruising up to Cairns and back, savouring the countryside and the warmth that the 25 to 30 degs will provide and on our OWN bike. It is the dry period for that part of the world and the best for bike riding in Far North Queensland as it`s too bloody hot in the summer anyhow.

Pretty cost effective too. NZD$1,350.00 for the ST1100 plus around $150.00 for shipping insurance. It would cost a lot more for bike hire and to hire a car would be up around there also, but is that REALLY an option?

The plan is that we get the bike to Auckland 9 days before intending to arrive in Brisbane. We fly to Brizzie to collect the ST1100 at 9am Monday, 30 June and at this stage intend dropping the bike back at the depot at 10am on Friday 25 July for loading for the return journey. If demand exists Dave is considering delaying the return shipment by one week to give everyone 4 weeks and 4 days to ride around FNQ - or where ever we/they decide.

I am impressed with the service that Dave has already provided and the information received has been of great value in arriving at the decision - Yeah, we`ll go.

Dave flys to Auckland and personally loads the bikes into the container. The bikes are mounted in specially designed cradles, fork lifted into the container and the cradle is then bolted to the floor. So long as the ship is not named the Titanic II, or something, all should arrive safely. Dave then personally unloads the container at Brisbane and the proceedure is repeated for the return voyage.
That`s if we decide to return.

So if YOU are not doing anything this winter you may wish to avail yourself of the service also. It is not an organised tour. Just open up your map, decide which Northerly direction you wish to head and then snick your bike into gear. There is room for 20 bikes to a container and Dave says it is filling fast.

Get Routed Tours contact details are:
Phone: 0061 3 9331 0947