Whakatane SummerCross:

Posted: Fri 29 Nov 2002

Championship Title for Whakatane Summercross:

As well as prize money, trophies and pride, riders at this year’s Whakatane Summercross will be racing for a North Island championship title. That title is going to make the riders push each other just that much harder especially in the bar bashing struggle for the sprint to the first corner.

The track is an outdoor Motocross designed with flowing berms, rough sandy straights and big tabletop jumps. A new Super cross style section will provide great entertainment for the crowds at the Whakatane Summercross 28-29 2002.

And if the 3000 spectators that attended in 2001 is any indication the crowds will be big.

Race Director Mr Bill Doe, of the Bay of Plenty Motorcycle Club, says the event has proved so popular, some Junior fields are already full to capacity.

The atmosphere at the 01 event was superb with over 500 riders battling it out all weekend under the hot Whakatane sun. Yamaha’s Darryll King dominated the event last year with his younger brother Shayne taking second spot on a CRF 450. Cam Negus took third place (and first 2 stroke) on his Suzuki RM 250. Import Australian Craig Anderson fought hard to win the first race, but faded to fourth overall at the end of the day aboard his KTM.

In 2002, it will be another battle for supremacy between the booming four strokes and the screaming 2 strokes. There is a special four strokes only race on the Saturday which is sure to provide a visual treat plus thumping sound.

If you think the air time on the MX track is impressive, then look again to the guys (and girl) on the Freestyle MX circuit. 2.5 metre up ramps launch the riders way up into orbit, then the stunt is performed (including completely letting go of the bike) then it’s time to spot the down ramp and land… fingers crossed!

And all this to the funky sounds mixed throughout the event.

Tickets on sale from - Salt Air Surf Co, The Strand, Whakatane:
From 9 December.

Whakatane Summercross… much more than a Motocross

Contact Nick Reader at Epic Events Ltd for details at 021 983 766, nick@epicevents.co.nz or visit epicevents.co.nz