Wanna Be Rich `n` Famous?

Posted: Wed 27 Nov 2002

So you want to become famous and rich so that you will be able to look after your dear old mum and dad who have helped you throughout your MX career and wiped your snotty little nose, like after you crashed in that Junior MX race.

Well this could be your big break, nah nothing to do with the fracture you incurred at another Junior meet, but here have a LOOK: for yourself.

It`s called MX-Riders.co.uk and it aims to provide a place for motocross riders to have their profile, pictures, resumes, results and general information on themselves.

The webmaster purports that it is a site where numerous companies who are prospective sponsors have their own accounts which allows them to contact riders, view riders profiles and hopefully contact you for a possible sponsorship deal where you can receive anything from discounted products from top motocross companies to FREE goods!!

Yeah, OK, but don`t be disappointed when the phone doesn`t ring or the E-mail doesn`t arrive. It will sure as hell impress your mates and perhaps, your girl friend. And hey, it`s free.

This is what they say:
\"MX-Riders.co.uk offer is FREE yes totally free! Sign up, build your own resume, result posting for your account everything is FREE. If you are interested in getting your own customisable profile which allows you to post results, your own resume and much more please take a visit the MX-Riders site and sign up and have a browse you will find some information regarding the whole set-up of the site which will get you on your way!\"

And when you ARE rich and famous just don`t forget who put you on to this.