Tim in Europe:

Posted: Wed 27 Nov 2002

From - Tim Curr:

Hi People.
Apologies for not keeping you up to date with Tim`s progress. I have had a major computer hicup that has gone on for a couple of weeks.

Tim flew out of NZ on the 11th of Nov to Germany. He is to compete in 4 supercross events over 3 weeks racing for the Motorsport Burmeister Yamaha team, he is racing a YZ125.

Mason Phillips from Tauranga is traveling with Tim and is racing a YZ250 for the same team.

The first event in STUTTGART: didn`t go to plan. The riders have to qualify on time to reach the finals, they get 1 free practice and 1 timed practice, then the qualifiing practice. Tim was running 6th in the timed practice session, so should have made the 13 racer final, but in the timed qualifying he couldn`t put in a good lap as the officials kept putting out the yellow flag after the first 3 laps. For fhe next 17 laps Tim was waiting for a clear track but never got it so missed the cut

The second night he crashed heavily over a triple jump and the bike hit him on the back and shoulder forcing a retirement.

After a lot of help from the medical people in Germany he is up and practicing again and getting better every day. Last weekend they had 2 days practicing at a private indoor track for 5 hrs a day. Tim was quite sore and couldnt go 100% over the stutter bumps but felt his timing and track speed was improving and with the help of Dirk the team manager / trainer, both boys are a lot sharper and more used to the style of track.

The tracks are all indoors as it has been as cold as minus 10deg C !!!!!! The surface is about the same as play dough and very grippy, the jumps are very steep with little runup and no room for errors, or it hurts as Tim found out.

Tim races again this Friday and Saturday night at Braunschweig, 100 ks south of Hamburg then flies home.

Tim has been selected by Motorcycling NZ to represent NZ at the Oceania Motorcross in Upper Hutt on the 14/15th of Dec 2002 against Australia. He is one of the 6 member Junior team along with 18 senior riders make up the NZ team.

He will then race Round 1 of the NZ Super Cross series in Nelson on the 4/5th of January and fly back to Germany for the last 5 rounds of the German National championship and return to NZ in time for the NZ MX GP at Woodville and the final round of the NZ SX champs.

Tim said the atmosphere in the stadiums is electric, 7500 spectators that have paid $50-$60 NZ a night to watch.

Bye for now, will send you a report after the weekend.

Noel Curr