Cancelled: - Updated

Posted: Mon 11 Nov 2002

From - NZ MC News.

4-Hour Endurance Championship Cancelled

Manfield Promotions have regretfully announced the cancellation of the New Zealand Endurance Road race Championship meeting scheduled for 12/13 April 2003.

The abandonment was due to the withdrawal of support from three of the four major Motorcycle Distributors. They cited poor spectator support and disappointing fields as their reason.

\"While we were rewarded by some superb performances by very talented riders, from both New Zealand and Australia, they on their own, could not bring about the continuation of a very expensive promotion,\" said Rob Lester from Manfeild.

Lester added, \"It is fair to say that general disinterest on the part of both enthusiasts and the public at large, sent out signals that could not be ignored.\"