There`s No Ban;

Posted: Fri 11 Oct 2002

No Ban On Bracket Racing

In recent days there has been quite a bit of discussion focused around a reported statement by Motorcycling New Zealand’s Road Race Commissioner, Trevor Heaphy.

Last weekend, the Auckland motorcycle Club decided to revert to class racing as opposed to bracket racing, because of concerns that although some riders are lapping in similar times, they do so by going fast at different parts of the circuit. It was therefore considered that the potential for a mishap on a circuit such as Pukekohe was not acceptable.

To clarify the situation Mr Heaphy made the following statement from his Auckland base yesterday.

"It is not our intention to ban bracket racing, only to limit the grouping of machines with disparate speed capabilities" said Heaphy. "We are not rushing into a decision on this subject, as this is an extremely complex issue, which needs a great deal of thought to work at all venues with all types of racing," added Heaphy.