The Good, Bad & Ugly:

Posted: Thu 10 Oct 2002

From - Tim Gibbes:

Well our long awaited TV film of the final round of the Suzuki Championship Road Race Series had to give way to sail last Sunday, but we are told that it will happen this Saturday at 4pm on TV1, breaking into Bathurst car races during >>
"the Top 15 Shoot Out so we will get a hell of a lot better ratings".

Don't forget the SKY 2 & SKY Sport showings also coming up.


Super Motard & quad riders - have you ever been paid to enter a Super Motard event? Well it's true. On Wednesday, November 6th the huge Manawatu Fireworks Spectacular takes place at Manfeild. And we have been asked to put on some races. We need about 20 Super Motard bikes & at least a dozen quads. The plan is to have the course similar to that we used during the Suzuki Series BUT instead of going all the way Coke corner on the seal, we'll turn left at the end of the tyre wall after leaving the esses, & head between the aquatrack & some obstacles, then JUMP off the 1 & a bit metre high wall to land back on the seal, more or less where we put up our temporary Super Motard chicanes during the Suzuki Series. Spectacular stuff & a good intro for the "Joe Blow" public who will have never seen bikes before. And we want you to put on a show, not runaway victories. Practice will be from about 5pm to 6.30pm, between other activities, before the public arrive. Postponement or "Rain out" date is the following Wednesday, Nov. 13th Interested? Let me know & I'll put you on the list to send a free entry. Hopefully there will be enough money in the kitty to pay everyone who starts in the racing, about $20 to $25 towards travel expenses. The bonus will be to see the fireworks, if you don't make them beforehand!


Rick Barker the Member of Parliament for Tukituki (who?, what?, where?), wrote a letter to motorcyclists & interested parties to warn that ACC will be recommending increases in the motor vehicle registration ACC levy. Nothing new, until you find that they want to increase the motorcycle levy from between 150 to 200%!! But an average of about 22% for the rest. So I immediately wrote to him to send the same letter by e-mail so I could put it on our website Clever these MP's, he's got an automatic answer to confirm my e-mail had reached his office, but have had no response within a month. Throw a red hot missile, then scamper. To make it obvious what the motive is, the submissions for this have to be received by ACC no later than 5pm on Thursday 10th October - today. In other words, don't yell & holler, we don't want to hear.


"Ban road racing", well nearly, is the call from MNZ Road Race Director.
At last weekends Auckland MCC road race, Trevor Heaphy made a pretty strong statement about him preparing a remit for MNZ to ban class racing based on lap times due to the danger of bikes with large speed differences racing together. So all those who rode & enjoyed A, B, C & D grade race classes during the Suzuki Road Race Series could be looking for another sport, unless you make your feelings known at MNZ.


The Yellow Pages 500 major car/bike event at Ruapuna October 19/20, has been taken over by Stephen Ward & Motorcycling Canterbury. They have attracted about 70 entries many of whom are among the best in their class. A great effort & the racing will be good. It will be divided into 2 groups - "FFM Helmets Formula One" & "Wynn's Formula Two"
The bikes & cars will be televised live on both Saturday & Sunday.
Tim. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Further to Tim`s comment on the proposed? ACC surcharges which is this Government`s body blow to motorcycling:
This is the standard reply from the Hon Ruth Dyson:

On behalf of Hon Ruth Dyson, I acknowledge receipt of your email dated 26 September 2002, commenting on ACC's proposal for the Motorcycle Levy. I have referred your email to the ACC for consideration alongside all other submissions received. Your views are important.

As you may be aware, after the close of the submission period on 10 October, the ACC Board will present recommendations to the ACC Minister on all of its levy rates. Cabinet will make the final decision, which is expected to occur in mid-November. At this point in time, however, it would be inappropriate for the ACC Minister to comment on any of the proposals for consultation.
Yours sincerely Gabby Boag Private Secretary, ACC Office of Hon Ruth Dyson DDI 04 4719810

Ruth Dyson`s E-mail is: HERE:
Go bombard her! Politely.