Mark & Cam`s 6 Hour:

Posted: Tue 08 Oct 2002

7 October 2002



The Hawkes Bay Suzuki 6 Hour was held on the Weekend, at an all new venue, this year the Hawkes Bay Club did an excellent job of setting up a great flowing track through farm land and pine forest.

There were some great teams entered this year, Adam Youren (Moose) and Kevin Hermasen, Paul Whibley and Mark Fuller, Sean Clarke and Mark White, Paul Wilson and Darren Capill and Daryl Hurley and Nathan McAlwee and many more. I teamed up with the same partner as last year Cameron Negus, we were out to do better than last year, we won the over 2 stroke class but were only 5th overall and wanted to prove that 2 strokes could still do it.

It was a shot gun, dead engine start with over 120 bikes on the line, with so many bikes on the line it was pretty cramped and when the gun went and I ran to my bike I couldn’t get on it properly and give it a clean kick because the bike next to me was to close – this resulted in a very bad start. I passed a lot of bikes in the start paddock but once we left the paddock and got into the trees it was hard work. Everything was going pretty good and I was able to make a lot of passes, until I tried to pass Mike Cotter on a Farm Track but as I got beside him we clipped handlebars, I went flying off down a bank and lost a whole lot more places.

When I got back up the bank I was even more determined and went hard out. By the end of the 1st lap I had got us back up to eighth place and already 1st Open 2stroke but we were 5 minutes down on 1st place. Instead of handing the bike over to Cam I refuelled and headed back out since I had already done a lap and knew where the track went, I thought I could make up some of my lost time. The 2nd lap went really well and although I did not make up any places I pulled some time back in on the leaders.

Cam went out on his first lap which was Lap 3 of the race and he too made up some crucial ground we were now up to 5th overall. We had pulled such a gap over our 2nd place in our class that we no longer worried about winning the class we now had our hearts set on the overall win. Determined and strong I then went out for Lap 4 still a way behind the leaders, however the track was getting more and more familiar to me and I continued to set a good pace, we caught up to Hurley and McAlwee in this lap now running fourth overall.

Cam then went out and stayed close with them and the two charged through making up time on the front runners Whibley/Fuller and Youren/Hermasen who were battling for the lead. Fuller crashed while trying to pass Hermasen snapping the KTM’s Handlebars and ending their days racing, we were now in 3rd overall and the determination greatened. When I came in after Lap 8 we were about 40 seconds down on 1st place Youren/Hermasen and 2mins ahead of Hurley/McAlwee.

Cam left on the 9th lap and rode hard passing Hermassen for the lead, although Hurley had pulled back 1 min when Cam came in from Lap 9 we still had 1 minute over 2nd place of Hurley/McAlwee, I knew that they did not need to fuel so would gain at least 30 seconds on me and sure enough by half way round Lap 10 I could hear the 4 stroke of Hurley coming, Hurley was getting closer and closer until we where now 10 minutes from the end and Hurley was barking at my heels and would not go away.

The pace picked up considerably from now and all I could do was ride fast and defensively not giving Hurley any opportunity to make a pass we broke out into the airstrip which was the final leg of the race not knowing at this stage whether or not the race had finished and as we raced the airstrip we were nearly side by side and Hurley attempted all measures to try and pass me, our RM250 hooked up in the last fast straight and I pulled a bike length on him I hit the final corner and bounced off the track through the tape and through 3 marker pegs and then back on the track putting Hurley and I near side by side again.

I figured the race was at an end and I was not needing to pit as there was people everywhere cheering and yelling and standing all over the pit gates so I continued through to take the chequered flag with Hurley by my side but not close enough, we had done it.
Won the Hawkes Bay 6 Hour, something that I had wanted to do for a Long time.

Thank you to all my sponsors without you this would not have been possible you all play a huge part in my racing and this win is as much yours as mine and I thank you ever so much for that.

A Huge Big thank you to Suzuki for our Awesome reliable machinery and my Team Mate Cam for your awesome efforts.

Mark Penny/Cameron Negus Suzuki RM250
Daryl Hurley/Nathan McAlwee Suzuki DRZ400
Adam Youren/Kevin Hermasen Suzuki DRZ400