Latest From Niki:

Posted: Sun 06 Oct 2002

Sunday, October 06, 2002 8:08 PM
Letter from Niki:

Hi everyone,
I guess it's been a long time since I've been in contact! I finally got the internet connection in my room 2 days ago so hopefully communication will be more consistent.Today is 7 weeks since my accident but it seems shorter to me.

I still have considerable pain and this gets frustrating at times, I am looking forward to when I am pain free again. I'm able to do things for myself now such as showering,cleaning my room and I can almost dress myself but not at the speed that a motocrosser is used to.

These days I seem to spend a lot of time sleeping, even more than I used to if that is possible! It's funny how tiring sitting in a wheelchair can be. When they gave me my wheelchair they gave me the spastic looking gloves that they call mits to help me push my chair.I said "thanks but no thanks"and proceeded to to grab a pair of gloves out of my gear bag. A motocrosser has to have some sense of style even in a wheelchair! I reckon I've got about 3 years supply for wheelchair gloves.

Now I have my phone line in I'll try to do more frequent updates to let you know how your favourite broken arse is doing!

It's great to hear that the "Auction" is now on line and there is some pretty awesome stuff available.Sometimes I wish I could keep it all myself but I know the money is going to a good cause "me"( hahaha).

Seriously though this is a great opportunity for New Zealanders and Australians to get some very special memorabila that usually would not make it to this part of the world. For this I would like to thank Ilana for all her hard organizational work and all the special people that have donated memorabila for it. Some of these people have put in a huge effort to obtain or give up some very treasured items.
Thank you very much for your kindness.

I'll talk to you soon when hopefully I've taken another couple of steps forward or should I say pushes in my wheel chair!