Niki`s News:

Posted: Mon 09 Sep 2002

Hey everyone,
Sorry we have not written of late, we are certainly out of the red. Niki had a visit from his Doctors this morning and the word is he may be able to go to the re-hab centre either this Thursday or Friday. That is fantastic news because the sooner Niki starts re-hab the sooner he can be home. Niki has two incisions, one for his lung operation and one for his spine. The incision for his lung starts 4cm from the left hand side of his spine and follows his shoulder blade and lats down to underneath his left arm. The spine incision starts about 7-8cm from his hair line and goes down to about the bottom of his shoulder blades. These incisions are all stapled shut and you would swear that he has been zipped closed. We also had another visit from another Doctor today and the staples from his incisions are beginning to be removed a few staples at a time. So the news is looking up and he is on his way to re-hab.

It was Niki's Birthday yesterday so the BBQ came out and so did the cheesecake. We had quite a few visitors and had a chow down late afternoon. It was laid back and fun, as fun as it can be for having a birthday in a hospital.

Thanks again everyone for the help and support and thoughts.

Until next time,
Niki, Katie, and Kay.