Suzuki/KR Trail Sprint:

Posted: Mon 09 Sep 2002

From: Colin Matthews.

Sunday 8th September saw the last round of the Suzuki NZ / KIWI RIDER Trail Sprint Series held in the Woodhill forest just North of Auckland.

The weather was fine and sunny (apparently it does that some-times in Auckland.) and the tracks a wet sandy loam, complete with Woodhill size whoops and the odd 1,000 tree roots thrown in.

The 50 minutes per lap allowed, seemed pretty right for most riders, with the winner being decided by 2 special tests 1/2 way around the lap, where-by you had to go as fast as you could between 2 check-points and were timed / scored to the second, thus every-second-counts.
The faster guys were doing this in 4 min's or so with us mere mortals in the 5-6 min bracket....
The large junior feild all enjoyed the day and all juniors who stuck around for prize giving got a spot prize courtisy of Suzuki NZ and Bike Sport Auckland........Thanks guys.

Greg Power of Power Adventures and his helpers did such a great job of running the event that they rate a mention for one of the best orgainized events I have been too ...... Keep it up guys.

With only one minor injury it has to be called a successfull and enjoyable day.
Sorry I can't remember all the winners but, 1st overall and 1st 200 upwards 2 str. went to Chris Birch. 1st 300cc up. 4str. Dene Humpphrey (GasGas 400). 1st Vet 40+ Grant Colville, Tauranga (KTM 300EXC.

With KiwiRider mag. there in force, we will all have to wait 'till the next issue for the rest of the results ???