Sawyer M/c Vic Series:

Posted: Mon 09 Sep 2002

Sawyer Motorcycles Victoria M/c Club Winter Series Rd 5, Final.

Venue: Manfeild.3.03 km Circuit
Date: 07 September 2002.

The Highs and Lows of Racing....
Courtesy of NZMCNews.

The high cloud burned off early and the meet was run on a beautiful crisp spring day.With the entries averaging eighty one per round the organisers must feel pleased with the support.There was a glitch on Friday as the group that supply the Marshals rang up and said they could not deliver.Thanks to the stalwarts in both branches of Vic Club the required number was achieved,but, not enough run the big circuit.Several of the Dummy Grid/Lap Scoring crew will not be available for next year, so a new team will be doing the work next year.The prize getters all thanked Sawyers Motorcycles/Victoria Club and the Marshalls for a well run series.

The Motorcycling NZ developement squad used the meeting as a training run for the road racers,Hayden Fitzgerald,Karl Morgan and Steve Woods.They ran in the normal classes and then back to the garage and all their laps were analysed by Brian Bernard and Denis Charlett.Their training continued on Sunday and Monday.

Formula 1 had Craig Gollop take the honours despite the run of bad luck that dogged right through the five rounds,he even had problems today when the steering head worked loose.Anyway he pipped arch rival Johan Bruns by 6 points.Denis Charlett went out on the big Suzuki and very sportingly did not cross the finish line as was aware of the closeness of the points.Grant Russell placed third but in the course of the day lost the front end into the sweeper,going down and unluckily breaking a leg. This allowed Warren Gardiner,on Grant's big Honda a third in the day results.Sean Aitken has been unable to ride due to work, but had the big Yosimoura Suzuki on display for sale. If it sells an R1 will be procured and whatever happens he will do the National Points rounds.

Johan Bruns had his revenge over Craig Gollop in the F2 series taking it overall Craig kept at it for second and Steve Morris was rewarded wtih consistent places for third in the series decider.Whilst in the day results Anthony McCarthy netted third.Steve Bagshaw put the x Jefferies RS 250 back in the van mid afternoon,with what was a suspected blown crank.The Sawyer Yamaha of Jason Easton put in some further track time and setting up.

Derek Hill,once again the old story,consistancy,took the series,in Formula 3. Barry Armes only 11 pts back,226.Scott Griffiths pipped Barry New by 14 pts on 177 to secure third.The on the day results were unusual in that Barry Armes and Hayden Fitxgerald tied for No.1,Derek Hill and Barry New tied for second and this gave Dean Russo the third place certificate.

Regan Griffiths scooped the 125 GP pool with 241 pts and the two riders who never won but plced wel all series,Simon Leamy in second berth and Paul Cook, who must consider the trip from Auckland worthwhile for third overall. On the day results got Mandy New on the podium with third spot.

Myles Cosgrove was going to win 150 Street Stock regardless and got out to 284 pts, Bradley Morrison fell in the 4 th round and put paid to him pushing Myles. Brett Gordon got the third trophy and as said before is considering a run in F3 next season.

Post Classics.With Ernie Cudby dropping back in the points,Graham Moorehead moved to third,Colin Tate steadily picking up points for second and once again Murray Cross took the top prize and announced his engagement to his partner.

Clubmans and Shane Campbell nabbed a win with Stewart Rodwell and Michael Bullock tying in second giving Jamie Greenlees third one point back on 26.

Over all Series,Stewart Rodwell was first past the post,260 pts,nine back Bruce Morrison with Jason Jones taking third.

Junior Half Hour, Hayden Fitzgerald led Derek Hill and Regan Griffith in this event.

Senior Half Hour, Denis Charlett took the flag in this race from Craig Gollop and veteran Anthony Bradford.

For full results go to:NZMCNews.