A MX Promoter`s Day:

Posted: Tue 13 Aug 2002

After reading the article `Ho Hum`, this guy got off his ass and did something.
Warren was the promotions man behind the successful Blue Wing Honda National MX [round 3] staged in HB last weekend. This is his account of the day and the positive result of being pro-active:

Gidday Bill
Friday morning I was walking across the start straight in me gummies, slosh slosh with the horizontal rain driving in and I was a bit nervous, but I was quietly confident that the sun would shine & it did.

As the promotions man for this event I was pleased to see the 2 to 3 thousand spectators experience the thrill of top notch racing.
I didn`t see a hell of a lot of the racing myself as I was in the car park towing cars in?? to the event as we had had 200mm of rain the prior to the event & old car park was a tad sloshy, so we had some fun and games.
But everybody was happy. I spoke to as many spectators as possible and for well over 50%, it was their first time to a motocross and they said they really enjoyed the thrill of being able to be so close to the action and would definitely return. Even though their cars were covered in mud and the wind had blown them to oblivion.

So this must be an indicator to other clubs that people are keen to experience the live action of MX SPORT and with a little promotion it is not that difficult to attract spectators. If the spectators come, so does the sponsorship and then hopefully the TV crews, because all of a sudden everybody wants to be part of the machine.
I had a gentleman approach me at the event who is a prominent business man and he wants to be the major sponsor at next years event !!!!

We have a marketable commodity in the sport of motocross, it just takes a little bit of effort from the clubs to appoint somebody to let the public know what`s going on and before we know it our sport will receive the attention that it so well deserves.

The racing itself went extremely well, with the race programme actually running ahead of time!
Stoney McGill did a fantastic job in the way that he controlled the meeting and kept it moving along and the general feeling amongst the competitors was all positive with the way things were done.
So all in all, a good day.
Cheers Wizzzzzzz