Time Goes Quickly:

Posted: Mon 12 Aug 2002

By Vicki T.

Hard to believe that it is nearly 2 weeks since I left NZ..........hard to see where the time goes

Life here is very busy...
Since the GP last weekend Ben has been constantly on the go.

Monday I drove them to the gym...they had a 2 hour session there which included stretches and some light workoutS, also a head clinic for Ben with Yves (the trainer) & Joel Smets. Off home to have bite to eat before beginning the mammoth task of unpacking the truck and the cleaning of all the gear. I think it took Ben 4 loads of washing just to get his riding gear done, then I took care of the clothes. Also Joel came over and they went for a 2 hour mountain bike ride to finish off the afternoon.
I went home and began to prepare dinner for 25 people. We went to a near by market and bought nearly 200E of food ......... it was a celebration Bar-be for Tyla. Yves & his wife and Joel & his wife Nancy & son Greg, all of the mechanics and girlfriends and aslo both of Tyla`s S.A.Grandparents (Both lots of grandparents are here visiting at the moment) plus every one who lives here at the `palace` .. that amounts to about 9 or 10 on a good day....with all of the ring-ins

Tuesday it was back to the gym for another 2 hour workout....this time a tough one with all the weights etc. We returned at the end of their session with the mountain bikes and BMX bikes and took them to a BMX track where they did a 2 hour training session riding the bikes at this very difficult track.

Wednesday was a riding day........off to a track in Holland.........not too far from here....We got home pretty late and then had to scrub up as Denzil (one of the ring-ins from S.A. insisted that he took us out for a meal) Josh & Joel both there riding also ........... a pretty tough track.. rough and deep sand in places. Then rushed home so every one could shower as we (9) of us were invited out to dinner. Sooooooooooooooooo off we went and had a fabulous meal at Renee & Angela's. (This guy does all of boys' race organising .. apart from GP's..he does all of the entries at any event that they wish to ride in) It was after midnight by the time we got home.......and me driving at night time over here is a bit of a mission.....however we made it okay.... The boys' were getting pretty tired by Thursday as they had 3 late nights in a row and their days are just non-stop.

Thursday was another riding day.......this time to Honda Park.......not too far away. Once again they met up with Josh. This place was packed........so many "hackers" as they call them. Ben had one terrible crash when he came over a jump and landed right on top of a "hacker". He took a terribly long time to get up...I ran flat out over to where he was lying and thankfully he got up okay...........he retired for the day as he was a bit dazed and shaken by it. He landed flat on his back and I think he got quite winded. I got a ride home with Tinus from this track so we did some shopping on the way. I chose chickens for dinner so once we got home I got stuck in and prepared a nice dinner of roast chickens with lots & lots of fresh veges and creamed rice for dessert.

Friday.....back to Mol to the gym for a serious workout. Ben also had a good session with Yves and discussed his problems of crashing at the moment. The afternoon was a catch up session with all of the washing and general sort out...........everyday Ben has gear to wash and clean.

Saturday.........off to Holland to ride at a track about an hours drive away. Ben had a much better day riding. He seemed to be more relaxed and just enjoying himself. Also at this track were Andrew McFarlane and Kenneth Gunderson. Ben did rides with these guys where he went out front and they chased him. His riding is just amazing when you see him in form like he was with these guys today. I can hardly believe that it is the same BT I used to know. He kept these guys on the chase for a good 20 minutes in each ride and boy did he make them work for to get past him. (Ben on a 125cc and they both on 250cc) just awesome to see him ride with these guys. It is hard to discribe his style now........he rides a lot like like Stefan Everts (so most people say) I just know that he is ever more graceful on a bike now than he ever was....he is very beautiful to watch riding.

Then raced home to shower and get a quick bite to eat of some sort as we were then going bowling with the Motorex Kawasaki team, McFarlane & girlfriend, Everts & girlfriend, Nancy Smets and lots & lots of others.......about 30 people in total. Everyone had a great time with lots & lots of laughs. I sat back and sunk a few ales.

Sunday ..........today...........Ben & I went out for breakfast ..then home to get up to speed with the washng from y/day. He has gone to train the "Red Bull" girls with Stefan Everts at some track nearby........I have just been for a big long walk and now catching up with emails and preparing dinner for the mob.

Looking forward to the German GP..........just hope that Ben has a better race..........it is amazing, he is a big hero over here among the race set. He has a circuit of people he visits at the GP.....like a little social club where he catches up on all of the gossip etc. (they all know him and love him) (I just take a very quiet place at the side and look on......it is amazing that a kid so young and so far from home is such a capable and popular person)

Well had better make a move ......... looks like a storm building up so had better get the washing in .........by the way I will say on Ben's behalf at the moment, that he says a huge big thanks for everything that was sent from NZ to him ........ he really appreciates the mags and goodies...finding the time to sit and write to everyone is a bit of a major for him.........

Lots & lots of love from Vicki & Ben T