Not a Good Day:

Posted: Fri 09 Aug 2002

Contributed by - His Mate:

Accident Report for Santoft Forest Enduro 4-August:

One broken leg, loss of vital body fluid’s, extensive upper body damage, and that was just the bike !

At riders briefing they introduced a “stick” and explaining that there were lots of them about, perhaps they should have also mention the sticks big brother, “The Tree”.

Andrew Crane (8B) crashed out of an Enduro terrain test. Actually the Suzuki and the tree sustained very little damage. But after being Helicopter-ed out, Andrew spent a couple of nights in PN hospital while they reconstructed a busted hand, and checked him out for suspected neck and chest injuries.
Thankfully his upper body is only suffering from extensive bruising but the hand’s bad and his shoulders smashed (AGAIN!). So how is he? Well I’m told that last night he wanted sex, which goes to show he’s only injured and not dead.

Hey there’s not a bike rider alive that makes a good patient so rather than being concerned for Andrew spare a thought for his partner who’s having to put up with him!

The RMX isn’t for sale but Andrew would like thank those that offered to buy it on Sunday at the crash site. But all BS aside, he’d like to pass on a very sincere thanks to all the people who were involved in helping him. The support was great and really appreciated. You all showed great sportsmanship.


That is one of the best postings that I have had the pleasure of posting
It typifies the attitude of the Kiwi off-roader, battling officialdom and terrain, (and trees) un-sung and name never, or hardly ever in lights [This is not the recommended way to change that] and yet they come back for more.

Although it is a pretty light hearted report Andrew`s mate? says that he is pretty knocked up and will be off work for awhile.

If you have a message of sympathy or perhaps a better offer for the Suzuki send it to :ME: and I will pass it on.