Ho Hum:

Posted: Sat 03 Aug 2002

I am puzzled.

At the foot of each posting is an invitation to provide me with information for posting on this site. I have also tracked down a number of riders and importers and invited them to take advantage of the FREE EXPOSURE, [like it costs nothing!].

But, apart from a couple who have provided good support, the feed back is zilch!

I expected an avalanche of material with the biggest problem being what to leave out. The site probably doesn`t `need` your input as it receives 600/1,000 reads/hits each day but I just can`t help being a bit mystified why more don`t want a free slice of that?

Where are the rider`s PRs?
What justice are they doing their sponsors. Especially the `name` riders, but it is not only the `name` riders either, for you all have sponsors, as since when has anyone paid full retail. By sitting on your hands, you are all not just letting yourselves down.
The importance and the benefits of publicity has been expounded on more than one occasion by the MX Guru, Andy McGechan and a great example of what can be achieved is to look at what Ian Miles has done for his Kiwi charges.
The reality for all sportspeople is that they have to `sell themselves` or they will never achieve the next level.

Where are the sponsors and the importers publicity material?
Some `invest` more than others on the sport but the ho hum response indicates a laissez faire attitude.
Maybe they are doing so well they don`t need any more exposure.

Where is the PR material from the promoters?
OK there are some prominent examples of pro-activeness in this group but there are a number of examples of just the opposite.

I have previously railed about the dearth of publicity afforded Motor Cycle sports but maybe the buck stops right here with responsibility to be shared among the aforementioned.

I don`t promise to post every thing I receive as I reserve the usual Editorial prerogatives, but hey it won`t cost anything to find out.
Not even a stamp.

NOTE: The above is my own opinion and is not intended to represent the opinion or the views of `Silver Bullet` or the Webmaster.