Posted: Thu 18 Jul 2002

Contributed by: Todd Sutherland - Bike Mart The first round of the world championship was run on the weekend in Namur Belguim.

The event was won by former European Champion Thierry Van Der Bosch (VDB to his mates)Boris Chambon taking second.

Our own Simon Turner improved in the early sessions but missed the cutoff to make the finals.

See YouthStream.Com for a full report and list of times for qualifying and the race. The next round is on the 25th of August. Our world round (which is still happening contary to what you may have heard) has been moved to an Auckland venue.

Get your skates on for the next Suzuki Supermoto at Taupo Sunday the 4th of August.

Get along to your local Suzuki dealer and get an entry form (or grab New Zealands most available magazine, Bike Mart and fill out an entry in there). If your Suzuki dealer has a video player in store ask to see the rough video we chucked together from Supermoto 1.

Cheers Todd