Mags Vs The Web:

Posted: Tue 18 Jun 2002

Nah, it`s not about that really. That heading was just to get your attention.

It could have been headed: \"You Have the Best of Both Worlds\" or \"Mags and the Net Complement Each Other\"
It is definitely not, \"One Vs the Other.\"

Either of those headings would have pretty well summed up one of the many benefits of the age we find ourselves in. Because those particular media complement each other very well and neither will replace the other. We really do have the best of both worlds.
But there are differences:

The Net provides the `surfer` with today`s news and/or results today, or even instantly if you are able to \"stream\" a site.

Your favourite magazine provides a hard copy of news and/or results and will tell you in depth how it happened. It provides it`s readers with valuable editorial opinion and where would we be without Kiwi Rider`s Roger Moroney`s ramblings and Andy McGechan`s valuable and in depth knowledge of the off-road scene.
You can take it to the beach with you and you can put it on the coffee table. Specially if you are not married. You are not likely to print this page and put it on your coffee table.

We are very well catered for by local and international magazines. The Kiwi Rider, founded by enthusiasts and still run by enthusiasts, provides coverage of just about every aspect of Motorcycling. That coverage is improving with each edition and it seems to grow more pages at the same rate.

BRM is another enthusiast driven Mag [I can`t imagine how a non-enthusiast could produce a readable publication for any length of time] that furnishes its mainly road riding readers with reading material.

There are others Mags of course that cater for more specific interest readers. Like for instance the riders of the ubiquitous Harley D. and t hose numbers are increasing at a large rate.

The Internet confuses the `surfer` with quantity and topics.
It provides information when you want it and where you can [generally] find it. Without having to pore through the back numbers where you were sure you read it but can`t find it now.

The `surfers` choice of Websites for news and information media is endless. All discerning two wheeled oriented Kiwis will have Silver Bullet bookmarked. Where we try to bring to the mainly [discerning] Kiwi readers, topics that will inform and engage its readership, provide upcoming event info and immediate results, if everything happens as it should and advertisers with their offerings to the readers.
By doing that it is hopeful that in turn motorcycling as an activity and/or as a sport will be further promoted.

If you haven\'t already, you should also have these sites bookmarked: CycleNews.Com & MCNews.Com It is not intended to provide all the addresses of interesting sites as if you haven`t already got them you can go to the `Links Sites\", where there are more sites than you can shake a stick at. You could easily spend your annual leave just checking them out.

Another difference between the two media:

When a journalist commits a `typo` and it goes to print in that form it is there forever.
When a `poster` make a mistake he/she can go back in and rectify the problem.
That is just one of the reasons that I would not make a journo. You may or may not have noticed how often my postings are subjected to change!

So it is not a competition as neither medium is able to compete with the other. They both provide you, in this case probably a motorcycle enthusiast, with some great choices.

But the scope of the Internet is boundless and it never ceases to surprise at what is now possible, never mind what may be possible in the future?
It just may be that one day your favourite magazine will be produced by your PC.
I don`t think it will be stapled though, but who knows.