Mason is Home:

Posted: Sat 15 Jun 2002

Contributed by: Colin Matthews.

Mason Phillips arrived back home today from his time with the Italian Tiscali Honda racing team.

The 17yr old from Te-Puke near Tauranga says it has been a great experience but really hard work, travelling a MINIMUM of 4hrs per day and riding hard all day. He is looking forward to a couple of days off the bike !!

While at the Italian GP in which he rode, he got to walk the track with fellow KIWI\'s Ben Townley and Josh Coppins and he said they have been really helpful and supportive.

Mason flies back to Italy again in October to join the team for 4 months of winter training and after getting an Italian racing licence, do the Italian championship and a couple of Super-Cross meet\'s.
After that the decision will be make whether to stay in Europe or to head home again.

While in NZ he will be concentrating on finding a gym/ trainer and learning some Italian language !