A MXr`s. Mum`s Day:

Posted: Tue 28 May 2002

Monday 27 May:
What it is like to be an International Moto Crosser`s Mum:

I always wake up just before 0100 on the morn of a meet, my heart beating flat out....never need to set my alarm clock....it is as though I am sensing Ben\'s start gate tachycardia.
We have rather an old computer with Windows \'95 so I am not always successful with the flash player running on it. However last night when I logged onto Moto GP I tried to connect to live timing annnnnnnnnnd was successful for a change. As the lap charts appeared on the screen in front of me I quickly scanned down for Ben\'s name, my heart dropped to my boots as I did not see his name anywhere........obviously his injuries were too much for him to ride......... then when the lap chart changed something at the top of the screen caught my eye.........and there was the name that was missing. I had not looked at the top of the screen........never dreaming for one minute Ben would be in the lead........so I had assumed the worst..........what a heart stopping moment to see his name there.....as his Mum it is indescribable to see Ben\'s name in the lead of a World GP race....... It is such a privilege to be his mum... his humility is amazing ..... someone with a passion so great.......a commitment so strong.....and an intense desire to be the best.....

\"Courage......Never bend your head, always hold it high.
Look the world in the face.\" - H Keller.

This quote is a great description of Ben.
I made a couple of phone calls at 0200 before returning to bed. I had to be up at 0600 for work at 0770. At 0230 the phone rang, it was Ben just to say hi. He was with Josh. He was returning to the pits following the media forum. Poor old thing it sounds as though he had got quite a few injuries that they will have to work on before the next round. But something that we have done throughout his riding career is treat injuries. He is very aware of what he needs for different problems.....and most of all he had learnt that he will recover.....that is very important......knowing that things heal with proper treatment and care.....I lay awake for sometime after his call thinking about the fabulous celebrations he & Josh would be having......I was still awake when the BBC news came on at 0400......then the next thing the alarm clock sprang into action and so off to work......
Grant, Ben`s Dad was at the meeting. I spoke to him very briefly after the race and he was absolutely beside himself to have had the opportunity to see Ben ride as he did. He returns to NZ on Friday, May 31.
Signed: Vicki T.

Vicki was a little perturbed that this would just read like a doting Mother`s writings.
I think not and I encouraged her to let me publish it so you could share it and I am sure you will agree it reads like a justifiably proud Mum. Proud for not only what her young fella has already achieved, but how he has achieved it and it is just a pity that ALL New Zealand is not sharing that pride, as you the readers surely are. But don`t get me going on that again.