Josh Who? Ben Who?

Posted: Wed 01 May 2002

Ok, I have been down this track before but a correspondent has just got me all fired up again.

The results gained in the World MX GPs by both Josh Coppins and Ben Townley are nothing short of astounding.
They are competing on a World stage against the best in the world, [better not include the States,] and have achieved remarkably spectacular results. I am sure you the reader will endorse that.
It ranks with climbing Everest for the first time and Hillary didn`t do that when he was 17!

But have the News Media in NZ provided the cover that their endeavors deserve.
Not bloody likely.


Is it MNZ`s for not rattling the various Media cages?
The publicity the duo deserve would provide NZ Motorcycle Sport with such a plethora of publicity that it could reasonably be expected to result in increased interest, leading to increased participation in the sport.

Is it the importers for not being pro-active and utilising their overly myopic publicity machines?
The resultant benefit from the trickle down effect of the enthusiasm that could be generated would help provide the extra sales the industry badly needs.

Is it Josh and Ben`s PR agency?
Are the excellent press releases being forwarded to the right people like,NZPA and the Wilson and Horton Group etc. The M/c mags and internet sites have provided great coverage, but isn`t that just preaching to the converted?

Is it yours?
Have you complained to your Newspaper or TV Channel?
I have often said that motor cyclists are an apathetic lot. That is not to say they don`t complain.
They do and apart from a few very notable exceptions they don`t do any thing effectual about the problem, except complain.

I will be pleased to be proved wrong. On all the above counts.