SuperMoto at Taupo

Posted: Sun 28 Apr 2002

Kiwi Rider took a bit of a punt when they put up the dosh to stage the event and it could have proved a little expensive if a luke warm reception had ensued.

But it didn`t and Todd Sutherland and his team were well pleased with the turnout of riders and the resulting intense competition amongst those riders.

Practice and qualifying saw the field broken down to three classes and all classes provided some real cut and thrust racing.
The competition provided see saw racing between the riders with abilities in one field or the other that saw places being changed every lap, not only at the front of the pack, but right down through the field.
That is seldom seen these days when the leaders tend to just clear out.
It provided the riders with a big buzz and the riders enthusiasm increased noticably with each race and at times was spectacularly over enthusiastic.

The spectators were treated to the once unlikely prospect of seeing some of the big names of the two disciplines of road and offroad motor cycle sport dicing with each other. Names such as Darryl King, Stephen Briggs, Tony Rees, Simon Turner, Mark Jennings et al.

I think the riders at that tryout will have driven home happy and be thinking about how they can improve their machinery and their skills and looking forward to the next meeting.

S0, if you missed out riding or spectating at that event make sure you don`t miss the next one.