Paul Whibley's Big Day in the USA

Posted: Tue 25 Sep 2001

We are all here now. Katherine, Pauls girlfriend, arrived Monday 17th, after many flight changes and incoveniences. Only to be expected really after whats happened over here!!

Last weekend Paul and I drove 6-7 hours to Missouri for another 3 hour race. This time a national championship round. They have a lot less riders and spectators than GNCC races.

Went to KFC for an \"all you can eat for tea\" - mint! Camped at the track again.

Paul sleeps in the front behind the seats in the double bed. I sleep in the back with the bike, and Davey throws his trick tent up.

Went to bed at 9.00 and slept righ through to 8.15. The best sleep yet. Got up, felt shitty, and went back to bed and slept for another 2.5 hours - much needed I guess.

Paul\'s race was again after the 4 wheelers. At around 1.00 the flag dropped. Extreme dust bowl - worse than last weekend. One guy was hospitalized after some sort of error in the first turn. The dust was just a haze that never really lifted - no breeze at all. Real rocky volcanic slate (?) and really tight through trees.

The races have been tighter than Taupo enduro in the tightest special tests last time, 2nd gear always etc...

Brad Williscroft (aussie, hot from a would be 6th in the 250 class at the 6 Day in France) led the pack for a while, before Wattsie overtook him to lead every lap with a gap between them of 30-40 secs.

Paul rode well considering the conditions and never having ridden anything like it ever before. 8th overall. Not too hot too which was good.

Came back through St.Louis- what a dump. Blown up cars, mess and vandelizm here and there. Saw the big arch and crossed the Mississippi river on the drive back. Again another 6 hours (3 hours at 90mph)ssshhh. Just set the cruize control and steer. Had tea at White castle (mental note: never again). Tiny burgers 2inch x 2inch. You can buy them in boxes of 30!! Man they are crap!Back at 12:30 night.

Next day gathered Katherine at 12:40 and she slept all day. Paul has the opportunity to ride heaps and me only a bit. He is pretty well acclimatized now (although is has been a lot cooler).

This weekend is it. One of the fastest tracks of the GNCC\'s (cool, might get into 4th gear)!! 6 hours to Pennsylvania again. Hopefully its not hot or dusty and Paul can strut his stuff. He is getting excited. Could be good.

He asked Fred Bramblet(the guy who set him up here) what position would determine his future next year?...Top 10 means he races race next year,... Top 5, races next year with good backing (make it a living),... Top 3 podium, set up for life.

Fingers crossed!!!

I know the bike will be good. New fork oil, piston & rings (that is how much he has been riding) tyres etc...

Well, what a day/weekend!!! Everything was perfect! Arrived 6:00pm Friday night and walked the track till dark. Good sleep then walked rest of the track on Saturday. 2nd, 3rd, 4th gear reasonably flowing, but got real rough.

Paul drank lots all day and was felling good(grinning). Ate real good amounts for tea and Paul had another good sleep. Knowing that this was it and that everything was falling into place. He had not a care in the world.

We had tested the bike after putting new piston and rings in and the forks were heaps better with the clean and reoil, and anti stictionizing them. The bike was awesome. Paul -\" man it\'s grunty\". He was happy.

1:00 pm Sunday the race was under way. Man what a start!!!! 4th. Cool. Katherine was nearly crying. I knew this was it... the man on the loud speaker calling out \"#663- Paul Whibley from New Zealand is moving up the pack currently in 3rd!\"

Trick!! Katherine and I jumping for joy. \"663 now in second\"!! Davey had tears. Paul came in to the pits in 3rd- Christ he\'s coming over, he\'s got a problem.

He stops it and furiously trys to tell me whats happening. \"Its too lean man. Its detonating and running on!\" Oh christ!!, dodgey batch of fuel I thought. Ripped the seat off too stuff the air box full of rags to richen it up.

\"I\'ve been railing dust burms trying to clog it. Its trying to blow up!\" Check coolant????? I thought. Ripped the cap off, It had none!!! Put water in it franticly- it ran out the bottom as fast as it was going in at the top.

You will never be able to duplicate or imagine the fustration that raged within Paul and I at this time.

Took a breath, kicked the kickstarter, then pressed down on it - no compression - wont even fire.

Tears, fustration and disbelief were experienced by us all. About half way round the engine coolant drain plug had parted company with the bike.

Yes it was all my fault!! Well I\'m treating it as though it is. Even though I can vividly remember tightening it up. I even had a check list. But a bolt doesn\'t just come loose by itself!!

It feels as though I have let the whole of NZ down, not to mention Paul. Is life worth it? I hope good can come from the bad.

- - - Richard.