Huge debut for NZ hero

Posted: Mon 19 Mar 2001

In a debut ride which stunned European officials, Kiwi-cross kid Ben Townley has emulated the feat of his hero Josh Coppins and qualified for tomorrow\'s Spanish Grand Prix.

Barely 16, the Taupo-born youngster rode to a jaw-dropping seventh place in his qualifying heat for the 125 GP, easily making the cut in his first ever world championship event - just a few months after he sat school cert.

Now an expat travelling the world with the European-based Phase team, the determined youngster grabbed his first big chance with both hands.

On a circuit in Catalunya designed to test the best, twelve riders qualified from each of two qualifying heats plus six from a last-chance repercharge.

Townley\'s backers told him to hope for a repercharge spot, but he blasted his Suzuki RM125 from the start line of the demanding circuit at Bellpuig and never looked like missing the top 12 of his race.

\"I\'m rapt, just stoked,\" said the normally quiet youngster. \"This is more than I ever hoped.

\"Josh Coppins tells me he struggled to qualify in his his first half season over here, and I definitely didn\'t expect it in my first GP.

\"Now I can just focus on the race tomorrow and make sure I do justice to the team.\"

Townley\'s showing was described as huge by Pascal Haudiquert, Media Manager for the world championship organisers Dorna OffRoad.

\"We knew of Ben just because of his young age,\" said Frenchman Mr Haudiquert.

\"But we did not expect anything of him for most of this season at least, while he settles in and comes up to speed.

\"To qualify for his very first ever GP is fantastic ... to do it in the qualifying race, and right up in seventh, that is just incredible.

\"Already I can tell you many of the managers in the big teams on pit lane are starting to ask who is this new young guy from New Zealand.\"

Townley\'s team owner Jorg Schaefer of Germany confirmed his support.

\"All of the team is very happy for Ben,\" he said. \"It justifies our faith in him, and more.

\"It was a big ask coming to Europe at such a young age, and although there will be tougher times ahead this is a great start.\"