Huge Enduro event set to rip through Kawhia

Posted: Sun 21 Jan 2001

2001 Suzuki Australian Four-Day Enduro
Oparau, New Zealand Feb 3-6 2001

Incorporating the 2001 Oceania Enduro Championship
the Australian Individual and Teams Championships

New Zealand\'s off-road motorcycling industry has come alive in anticipation of the International Australian 4-Day Enduro, held in Oparau, Kawhia on February 3-6 2001, as the organisers gear up for what is to be the biggest event of its type ever to be held in New Zealand.

The Australian 4-Day Enduro (A4DE) is the largest international enduro event in the Southern Hemisphere and second only to the World Motorcycling Endurance Championship - the International 6-Day Enduro (ISDE) which is often referred to as \"the Olympics of motorcycling.\"

With over 70 confirmed Australian riders and New Zealanders expected to represent in similar numbers, organisers Mark Davis and Sean Clarke are expecting a major international showdown.

The enduro riders will race over hundreds of kilometres every day against both the clock and each other across spectacular West Coast countryside through special stages and checkpoints, not unlike car rally events.

Another coup of the organisers is the entry of current World Enduro Champion and ex-pat Kiwi Stefan Merriman is a confirmed starter to the A4DE. The Husqvarna racer will be riding for the Australian Enduro team at Oparau, when the prestigious event shifts outside of Australia for the first time ever.

Other key Australian riders confirmed for the event are offroad legend Geoff Ballard, the super-fast Tim Cunningham, Australian enduro icon Stu Morgan, and junior hotshot Ben Grabham.

New Zealand also has it\'s fair share of top riders entering the event. Former Motocross World Champion Shayne King, current New Zealand Enduro Champion Paul Whibley, Kiwi hard-man and current Cross-Country Champion Adam Youren, and former Cross-Country Champion and local racer Paul Wilson are all confirmed entrants.

The A4DE incorporates the 2001 State Teams Championship, and the 2001 Oceania Enduro Championship.

The idea of holding the A4DE in New Zealand came to life after former New Zealand Enduro Champion Sean Clarke made an \"off the cuff\" remark to Motorcycling Australia Enduro Commission Member Tim Shearer at the 1999 Australian Enduro Championships.

Clarke was a member of the New Zealand team that competed at the event. To his surprise, the remark was taken seriously and with enthusiasm by the Australian as they were having difficulties finding clubs and venues to run the event, and the ball began rolling.

Since then, the organisers have secured a phenomenal amount of sponsorship and support in kind as businesses on both sides of the Tasman wanted to capitalise on the event.

With Suzuki securing the naming rights for the 4-Day and a long list of sponsors like the Otorohanga Development Board, Kiwi Rider magazine, Venture Travel United, Waipa Networks Ltd,, Darbi Accessories, Forbes and Davies Wholesale, the Oparau Garage, and the Oparau Community and Districts Club, the event has pulled in well over $20,000 of sponsorship and contra support.

The timing of the event in February rather than the traditional Easter time, means the most pleasant weather is almost guaranteed, making room for tourism opportunities in the area. While February is also the \"international off season\", so riders who compete internationally will be able to ride the event, it also is the best time of year to work in with the landowners and ground impact will be minimal.

There will be plenty of spectating opportunities, with action-packed motocross racing, and midday excitement a daily feature at Tai\'s Flat in Oparau. The final day (Waitangi Day) will feature an international motocross, which will be the highlight and grand finale of the event. A hangi meal will also be held and presentations will commence in the early evening.

The course will cover a variety of terrain from rolling farmland, to native bush, and mountain tops to valley floors. However, it will not be too difficult for the casual rider. A special clubmans class is available for such riders.

Media attention is also running high and becoming frenzied as the event draws nearer - with the major motorcycle magazines from both countries involved. Another coup for the organisers is the liklihood of TV coverage.

\"Hopefully we can turn on such a good event this year that we might be able to bid for the International 6-Day Enduro in a few years time,\" said Project Mangaer Mark Davis. \"We\'re committed to making this the best enduro event New Zealand has ever seen.\"

For further information contact:
Promotions Manager: Mark Davis
Box 406 Cambridge
Ph (07) 827 8892 (a/h)
Fax (07) 827 9475

Event Director: Sean Clarke
2908 Old Taupo Rd, RD1 Tokoroa
Ph (07) 886 5918
Fax (07) 886 5915
Mobile 021 996 045