Australian Supercross team in Hamilton

Posted: Thu 30 Nov 2000

The Australian Supercross team has arrived in Hamilton City intending to rock the Mystery Creek Tri Nations Supercross Challenge this Friday night.

Brothers Shayne and Brett Metcalfe flew in on Tuesday to prepare their bikes for competition and had no qualms about how they intended to take it to the Americans and the Kiwis.

\"Racing should be close , but we\'re ready to smoke the enemy ! \" said Shayne Metcalfe on being quizzed about the Aussie chances of winning the title this weekend.

Last weekends crunching US versus NZ test saw the Kiwis out in front by twenty points leading into final. Battered and bruised bikes and riders littered the track, and the hastily assembled team of substitutes couldn’t hold the US attack back. The American team pipped the Kiwis by just 3 points at the finish. A strong counter attack is expected with the Kiwi team returning to full strength.

Shayne Metcalfe finished fourth in the Australian National Motorcross Championships this year and despite knee reconstruction surgery, intends taking it to the overseas riders. Shayne will be joined by younger brother Brett, who now aged 16, will ride in the senior class. Brett has had a strong season in Australia winning the last round of the 400cc Thumper Nats and the 125 MX title.

Paul \"Broomy\" Broomfield flew into Hamilton on Wednesday after missing his first scheduled flight from Australia and has already begun bike testing.

The fourth team member, 16 year old Beau Hoadley has been on the track mixing it up with both teams and feeling his way around the tight Mystery Creek circuit. Popular with the crowds Hoadley turned on a spectacular aerial display launching off the Hamilton City super triple-jump to win last weekends Extreme Air competition.

The Tri-Nations event on Friday will see the ANZUS Supercross treaty shredded, as each country goes hunting for finish line honours.

A race schedule of over 26 races and a full entertainment programme will ensure a big night at Mystery Creek.. Entertainment starts at the Mystery Creek Events centre from 6pm, with rider presentations and Feature racing from around 7pm this Friday.

Riders will attend a special \"Meet and Greet\" function on Thursday night at the \"Boots N\' All\" Hotel in Collingwood Street Hamilton from 8pm. The public will have the chance to meet all three teams and get the opportunity to win free tickets and T shirts.