Posted: Tue 21 Nov 2000

Timaru’s John Hepburn is well on the road to recovery after falling from his Castrol Honda CBR900RR at the recent “Quality Hotel” 4-Hour Endurance Race at Manfeild.

Hepburn broke three bones in his right leg. Since the accident Hepburn has been under surgeon’s orders and hopes to be in a split cask by next week, which will allow physiotherapy to begin.

“I’m pleased with my progress and will be back for the New Zealand Tourist Trophy Meeting at Pukekohe in December,” said Hepburn this week.

To keep his hand in, Hepburn will act as Team Manager for the New Zealand Team in the up coming Oceania 600cc Championship at Manfeild on November 25/26. The Team includes Castrol Honda Teammates Brad Selfe and Ray Clee.